Understanding Pregnancy Hormones: What to Expect and How to Cope

Pregnancy is wild, right? The journey is marked by numerous profound changes driven by constant fluctuations of hormones. While hormonal shifts are essential for a healthy pregnancy, they can also bring about a rollercoaster of emotions and physical symptoms. Let’s explore the various hormones at play during pregnancy, what you can expect, and how to cope with their effects on your body and mind!

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

  • What to Expect: hCG is the hormone detected by pregnancy tests. Its levels rise dramatically in the early weeks of pregnancy, often leading to morning sickness and breast tenderness.

  • How to Cope: Supportive bras can alleviate breast discomfort. Combat morning sickness with small, frequent meals and ginger tea or candies. I love this lemon ginger tea and these ginger chews. Notify your healthcare provider if you have significant nausea or vomiting so you can discuss options to feel better.


  • What to Expect: Progesterone helps maintain the uterine lining and prevents contractions. It’s responsible for fatigue and mood swings.

  • How to Cope: Prioritize rest, practice relaxation techniques, and communicate your feelings with a supportive partner or friend. The Expectful app has great pregnancy specific meditations and plenty of other on demand content. Be aware that the language on this app is very heteronormative. If that doesn’t resonate with you, I’m also a fan of the (free!) Meditation Minis podcast.


  • What to Expect: Estrogen surges during pregnancy, contributing to increased blood flow and skin changes. It also plays a role in mood swings.

  • How to Cope: Maintain healthy skincare routines and consider gentle exercises like prenatal yoga to support circulation and mood. You may need to switch out your skincare products for pregnancy safe options, like this face and body cleanser.


  • What to Expect: Relaxin relaxes the uterine muscles and joints, which can lead to increased joint flexibility but also cause back pain and discomfort.

  • How to Cope: Gentle stretching and prenatal massages can alleviate muscle tension and discomfort. The Nike Training app has tons of free stretching and yoga videos, or you can try out their complete pregnancy series.


  • What to Expect: Oxytocin, known as the love hormone, increases during pregnancy, contributing to emotional bonding. It also plays a role in contractions during labor!

  • How to Cope: Embrace emotional changes as a natural part of pregnancy and engage in activities that promote emotional well-being. Make plenty of time for activities you enjoy and spending time with your loved ones. Go on dates! Or stay home and watch reality tv and snuggle! Both excellent options.


  • What to Expect: Prolactin levels increase in preparation for breastfeeding, leading to breast enlargement and tenderness.

  • How to Cope: Invest in supportive nursing bras and attend breastfeeding classes to prepare for the postpartum period. Kindred Bravely makes my favorite maternity and nursing bras, hands down. Grab a few in your pregnancy size, but know that you may increase in size again once baby arrives.


  • What to Expect: Cortisol, the stress hormone, can rise during pregnancy due to emotional and physical changes. It may contribute to anxiety or sleep disturbances.

  • How to Cope: Practice stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and prenatal yoga to manage cortisol levels. There are tons of free pregnancy yoga classes online, but I particularly love this series created by a physical therapist and yoga instructor. It’s worth the price!

Thyroid Hormones

  • What to Expect: Pregnancy can affect thyroid function, potentially leading to fatigue, mood changes, or changes in weight.

  • How to Cope: Regular thyroid function tests and adjustments by your healthcare provider can help manage thyroid-related issues. Focus on healthy, whole foods whenever possible (though when you’re nauseated and have food aversions, just eat. Anything you can tolerate. No judgement here, ever!) If you’re a cookbook fan, I recommend this one and this one wholeheartedly. Both are also readily available at the library, or you can borrow my copies!

Understanding the role of hormones in pregnancy is key to managing the physical and emotional challenges that may arise. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and hormone fluctuations can affect individuals differently. Don’t hesitate to seek support from your healthcare provider, friends, or support groups if you find yourself struggling to cope with these changes. Your doula is always here to lend a listening ear or a suggestion or two if you need them!


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